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Intermediate Grade Level (3-5)

Tasks Assessment Sample Forms

Tasks for Intermediate grade levels have two components:

  1. Phase I, Learning Experiences, is a suggested series of TEKS-based lessons and performances to be used in large groups, in small groups, and/or individually. Phase I allows students to work with advanced content and processes through a discipline-based research model. Phase I is developmental and formative.
  2. In Phase II, Independent Research, students utilize and extend their learning from Phase I to develop a product. The product provides students with opportunities to synthesize learning, apply knowledge to a novel situation, and provide an advanced, high-quality demonstration of the student's knowledge and skills.

In order for students to have the necessary support to complete their projects, users are encouraged to support student completion of the learning experiences and independent research as described in each of the task descriptions. Two or more students may collaborate in Phase I and/or Phase II. When there is collaboration, each student’s individual learning must be documented.

View Intermediate Tasks

Student Support

Each campus determines the best avenues for project participation. However, in order for students to have the necessary support to complete their projects, each campus is encouraged to complete the learning experiences and independent research as described in each of the project descriptions. Two or more students may collaborate in Phase I and/or Phase II. When there is collaboration, each student’s individual learning must be documented.

The 7E Model

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is redesigning the TPSP tasks to reflect a 7E framework. Currently, approximately half of the TPSP tasks have been restructured to reflect a 7E instructional framework. These tasks have been included on this website for download via the link that appears just below the original TPSP task download button. The 7E model is an extension of the original 5E model developed by a team of educators at the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study to maximize student engagement in learning.

The seven “Es” of the model are as follows:

Elicit - Access and ascertain prior knowledge and understanding
Teacher can frame “what do you think” questions.

Engage - Generate enthusiasm and stimulate interest and thinking
Teacher can surprise students, get students thinking, or raise questions through compelling demonstrations or presentations.

Explore - Provide opportunities to observe, record data, design experiments, interpret results, organize findings
Teacher can frame questions, suggest approaches, provide feedback, and assess understanding.

Explain - Introduce models, laws, and theories
Teacher can guide students toward generalizations and provide terminology and questions that help students explain their explorations.

Elaborate - Provide opportunities to apply knowledge to new domains
Teacher can introduce new variables and pose new questions/ scenarios in which students practice transfer of knowledge.

Evaluate - Provide formative and summative assessment opportunities, including self-reflection
Teacher can conduct ongoing assessment of student learning through all phases.

Extend - Provide additional challenges that allow students to apply knowledge
Teachers can provide new contexts for application of knowledge that allow students to go one step further.

For more information on the 7E model, see Eisencraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. The Science Teacher, 70(6), pp. 56–59. Retrieved from

For those TPSP tasks adapted to the 7E format, Phase I Learning Experiences provide suggested activities aligned with Elicit, Engage, Explore, and Explain. Phase II Research Process provides suggested activities to Elaborate, Explain, Evaluate, and Extend. While 7E tasks will always begin with Elicit and Engage and end with Evaluate and Extend, the sequence of Explore, Explain, and Elaborate can vary, often with recurrences of Explore and Explain throughout the task.


Intermediate Resources

Intermediate Guide to Success

Use this guide to get an in-depth overview of the Intermediate Level TPSP.

download Intermediate Guide to Success

Intermediate COLEF Charts

Guide students through the research process to ensure depth and complexity of learning.

download Intermediate COLEF Charts

Intermediate Level Walkthrough

This walkthrough assists administrators in evaluating the effectiveness of instruction in G/T classrooms.

download Intermediate Level Walkthrough

Intermediate Level Assessment Rubric

Use this to help you evaluate student performance on the tasks.

download Intermediate Level Assessment Rubric

Intermediate Level Assessment Rubric Spanish

Use this to help you evaluate student performance on the tasks.

download Intermediate Level Assessment Rubric Spanish


Sample Project Videos

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